Kettler Coach M折叠划船机
Kettler Coach M Rower 7974-100为您提供优质锻炼!控制您的锻炼 - 带水壶教练划船机。
With its non-wearing balanced Magnetic-Brake System™ and center pull oar, the new Coach M rower provides a total body workout. Not only does the Coach M supply a complete exercise program but it still gives the rower the most realistic and accurate interpretation of actual rowing on the water. The included Polar™ wireless transmitter measures a heart rate with EKG precision. Besides rowing, the Coach M offers an additional 16 muscle building exercises. And when done working out the Coach M easily stores in an upright position reducing its footprint thus giving you more room to move about.
- 高分辨率LCD数字显示提供:时间,能量消耗,笔划,脉冲率和频率。包括恢复功能,提供有心性健康分级索引1到6,以跟踪改进以及扫描功能
- Magnetic Brake System provide infinitely variable resistance which can be manually adjusted with indexed settings from 1 to 10 providing a wide and challenging range
- 厚,带有密封球轴承的衬垫座椅沿着镀铬钢轨流利地滑动
- Biomechanically correct footplates offer a natural pivoting action providing a full longitudinal rowing motion
- 包括极性®T34胸带心率监测仪,可感应心率并将数据无线传输到计算机
- 运输脚轮是内置的,使移动简单易行
The Kettler Coach M Folding rowing machine makes your workout the challenge, not going to the gym. Bring a Kettler Coach rower home and take control.
The Kettler教练M.划船机专门为运动员开发,以便在划船运动中需求最好的运动员。除了划船外,其特殊的配件还允许各种各样的练习培训方案。

- 平衡磁性制动系统™保证无限可变的阻力,指数为1-10
- Wireless Polar® T34 heart rate transmitter included
- 生物力学设计的脚板提供了自然,枢转的动作和完整的纵向划艇运动范围
- 坚固的粉末涂层Kettler®设计的框架和运输脚轮在额外的填充座椅滚筒中具有顶级球轴承,提供沿主镀铬钢轨道的柔滑光滑滑动
- 快速连接™背板和前脚踏板提供额外的16次练习
- 液晶培训电脑显示时间,桨冲程,当前的节奏,累计距离训练,心率和千焦耳,精确测量能耗(4.2 kJ = 1千卡)
- Settings include time, upper pulse limit, kilojoules and a visual and/or acoustical cadence signal
- 恢复脉冲率特征和扫描功能,以6秒间隔旋转各种读数
- 易于储存在一个直立的位置,使其在市场上任何室内划船的最小占地面积。
- 住宅保修
- See All Rowing Machines
- 查看所有Kettler健身器材
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第一种情况有一个基本的,当它不是一个good idea to do intensity prescriptions. That’s when the lifter is a newbie. And there are two really simple reasons for that. First is, that such powerlifters either don’t have 1RMs to base the on or the 1RMs they have are not correct. The latter reason occurs due to a mix of multiple factors. Such as limited technical ability, limited mobility, poor neurological efficiency, and the weak power of will. Secondly, new powerlifters usually progress very quickly to the next routines of the There are millions of ways on how to compose good weightlifting workout programs. Some coaches stay true to few basic plans on such training. They simply tweak them to be fit for different skills and experience levels. But we are sticking to quite a different plan. We put our focus on intensity (actual weights) prescriptions for any specific powerlifter. I personally am sure there are times when both approaches are applicable, even within the same workout session…