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去商店凯特勒UNIX E椭圆交叉训练7670-160
非常光滑的椭圆发短培训师 - 在德国制造!
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凯特勒UNIX E椭圆交叉训练
椭圆交叉培训师比跑步或骑自行车更多样化的方式锻炼肌肉。你会感受到你的臀部,四肢和小腿而不是膝盖,臀部和脚。椭圆培训师产生更大的肌肉效应,不太感知劳动。你会感到兴奋,新鲜,对每个锻炼感到满意。Kettler Unix E椭圆交叉培训师设计为您家的实惠椭圆机。减肥和肌肉肌肉的肌肉色调很简单,因为每周几天,每周几天就换乘克特勒UNIX e椭圆发短培训师!没有例程来学习,没有映射出来。刚走了起来,继续吧。
In addition to its remarkably stylish design, the KETTLER UNIX E Elliptical Cross Trainer features an informative, backlit, LCD computer display loaded with preset programs that automatically adjust resistance levels based on the graphic hill profile selected. The advanced computer offers heart-rate-control programming which adjusts resistance levels depending on pulse rate readings yielding the most effective and efficient workouts. The massive 50 lb. flywheel and drive system creates plenty of inertia to provide incredibly smooth performance. The proven, non-friction, magnetic brake system offers enough challenge to satisfy any level of user. The contemporary design and keen German craftsmanship places the KETTLER® UNIX E Elliptical Cross Trainer as the leader in its class. The KETTLER UNIX E elliptical trainer is an excellent choice for those seeking intuitive operation, challenging workouts and excellent performance.
For over 60 years KETTLER has been a leading brand in the fitness specialty market with cardio and strength equipment filled with great features & value. Worldwide, millions have trusted our Award Winning and innovative Made In Germany KETTLER fitness equipment. Since our humble beginnings, our unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, safety, and fun remains our core business principal. We are an authorized Kettler dealer for all your fitness equipment.
•计算机provides the following work out data: Speed, RPM, Distance, Time, Energy Consumption, Pulse Rate and Resistance Watt Level from 25 to 400 watts in 5 watt increments
• The programmable training computer provides 10 programs including heart rate controlled programming
•计算机display includes graphic 375 dot matrix showing program hill profiles
• The computer display has back lighting allowing for use in dark settings without the need for overhead lighting
•计算机programming includes 2 Heart Rate Control programs that automatically adjust resistance levels in order to achieve and maintain one's target heart rate training zone
• The computer display changes color indicating below target heart rate zone (blue), at targeted zone ( green) or above targeted zone (red)
•UNIX E提供16英寸的步幅长度,脚板沿着椭圆路径行进19英寸
• Frictionless, electromagnetic induction brake system provides and extensive range of smooth resistance to yield challenging workouts and outstanding performance
• Footplates have a texture surface to protect against slips and adjust to three different positions providing 3 different elliptical motions
• 50 lb. Drive System offers a smooth, fluid, effortless glide providing ultra-low impact and natural motion
• Poly-V Drive belt permits silent operation
• Built-in floor levelers adapt to uneven floors & transport castors are built-in easy relocating
•UNIX E的Q系数是8英寸,以获得舒适和稳定性
• 330 lb. Weight capacity
• 德国制造
方面:55“l x 23”w x 61“h
重量:182 lbs
住宅保修:3年。零件/ 1年。劳动
椭圆培训师是最新的低冲击运动设备,符合整体需求,以提供快速有效的培训课程,而不会对身体施加剧烈影响。使用椭圆训练器机器,您可以获得重量锻炼的好处,如慢跑或跑步,而不会在关节上磨损,因为你的脚永远不会留下脚踏板!除了提供一个伟大而有效的心血管锻炼,KETTLER elliptical cross trainers甚至还提供了优越的脂肪燃烧的好处,铁道部e than a treadmill. Another benefit of the elliptical trainer is that you are working out all four limbs equally, so you don't have to concentrate on a specific muscle group in your training session. The cross trainer helps you stay fit and feel better while you get an exhilarating workout on specialized exercise equipment. Since elliptical machines work out so many muscle groups simultaneously with minimal impact, they might be the perfect exercise equipment for you.
You won't find a comparable elliptical trainer at this incredible price.